Many times we feel stuck in life because we are not doing what we want to do. On the other side, we are not understanding what we want to do.
First of all, make a list of your time wasters and identify the things which are stopping you from moving ahead. I feel that all of us at some point in our life is involved in such activities which never contributes to our success and happiness.
We all want to be successful in our life but many times we waste our time on those things which stop us to analyse our potential. So first of all, it is important to analyze these things which waste our time and efforts.
So here it is :
1) Don’t get bogged down in social media:
There is no doubt about it that social media nowadays has become a very important part of our life. But the thing is to understand how much time do you have to give to social media?
If you are not able to control the time spent on social media, you will not be able to do anything else. So use social media up to a limit because you have many priorities in your life and that demands your time.
2) Do not pass the day without planning:
Those who want success in their life always go with planning. They set their priority tasks. I am not telling you about making a long list of tasks. You just need to divide your priorities into small steps. When you follow these steps turn by turn, you are climbing the stairs of your success every day.

3) Do not do emotionally exhausting activities:
If you want to be successful in life, don’t do the work that gives you negative vibes. Successful people don’t waste their time on things in their life that can make them emotionally weak. So take care of it.
4) Do not worry about the things you cannot control:
Don’t worry about the things you can’t control or the situation which is not under your control. If you really want to think, then think about the things which you can do and are under your control. Your actions are in your control. So, focus on your actions.
5) Ignore past mistakes:
Those who are successful, never cry when they make a mistake, but they learn something from that mistakes. They just find the reason why this happened. They learn from it and take care that this mistake may never reiterate.
6) Do not pay attention to what other people are doing:
Those who want to achieve something in life never see what other people are doing. They just focus on themselves what they have to do. They take inspiration from others but they never feel inferior. However, they commit that if a particular person has achieved something today, I will prove my worth tomorrow.
7) Do not put themselves last in priority:
We all go through times when we don’t get enough sleep or exercise because we need to work on a big project. But for long-term success and happiness, you have to put yourself first on the priority list.
Undeniably, your dreams are big but never forget the thing you love. It can be anything i.e. music, dance, exercise or any activity you love to do. If you are following the things which you love, you will achieve your dreams by always having a smile on your face.
Be happy, be persistent and keep working on your dreams.