As long as you are breathing and alive, you have a chance to do something. As long as your heart is beating, you are not dead. It is the biggest opportunity of life that you are alive.
If you will not take advantage of this opportunity today, will you take it after your death?
Make sure that as long as there is life in you, as long as you are breathing, as long as your heart is beating, and as long as this blood is flowing in your body, you will not sit still.
Even if you are losing again and again, you have to keep yourself in the game. You have to move forward, doing experiments, making strategies again and again and taking action.
Be assured that your every breath should contribute to your dreams. The passion that a person have to live his life. If you keep the same passion for your success, believe me, no one can stop you from becoming a successful person.
If your breathing is important for you, your success should also be as important for you as breathing. The day when you will realise that, you will take the first step towards your success.
This is the major thing which is required is to change your mentality about success.
This is life and failure is also a part of life.
Your adverse circumstances will always be there. Challenges will always be there and the same thing would be with your failure. Till you are living life, failure may occur.
You’re alive and breathing. It means you have power and spirit in you.
Don’t let any external power halt your internal power. Make the power inside you so strong that even the biggest storm can never pull you back.

It is a life fact that everyone wants success, but never wants any struggle to getting that success.
You want success. But still your rest and sleep would be on your priority list, success will always be in your dreams and would never be converted into reality.
Once you have decided that I want my success at any cost, then be prepared to pay any highest or lowest price to get it. You will get what you want in your life.
But If you want to rest and sleep. That’s totally fine. Enjoy your sleep till the end of your life and forget about your dreams, ambitions and goals.
You can fight for your dreams if you want to fight for them. When you need something badly, then you don’t think about what it will cost. Whatever the cost, you are ready to pay all the costs. Just don’t give up.
Also read | You are the controller of your life