From childhood till growing up, only one thing is heard from the mouth of elders is that read and write well. So that you can get some kind of job. Since childhood, our mind is conditioned in such a way that till we grow up, we start believing the lie that job is everything.
Today the whole world is battling with the crisis of corona epidemic, in the meantime lakhs of people have lost their jobs in our country and crores of people have been fired from their jobs all over the world.
Business vs Job
We have to understand these things :
1) Not taking risk is the biggest risk
Now it comes to the people who lost their jobs, what would they be doing now.
You will be surprised to know that more than 90% of the people are looking for some other job and there are many people who are living in their remaining savings and are waiting when this crisis of Corona is over and they can get their jobs again.
People think that there is no risk in job as compared to job and business. Do your work comfortably, get salary on time, and slowly keep growing. According to people, the risk in business is high, funding problems, more than one challenge, struggle.
People in business start counting too many problems and see it as a big risk, so most people avoid taking risk .
If people think out of the box with a little courage, then they have no idea of how much more they can do than their thinking.
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2) Get out of the comfort zone
Most of the working people are not happy with their job, but they are always happy that they have salary credit at the end of the month so that they can meet their needs, their life is going on with that and they are continuously making compromises. They start feeling that whatever is going on in their life is right, life is cut like it is cut, let it cut. This is the comfort zone.

They don’t even think of taking a step forward because they have heard since childhood that life is set after getting a job. But getting out of your comfort zone and doing something that can create job opportunities for others can take you a long way.
3) A request to parents
For all parents, their children are special, there is definitely some quality in every child. Today technology is changing every day, time is changing and in such a situation, there is a great need to change the thinking too.
I would like to say to all the parents that encourage your children to become job creators, tell them that they can bring a big change in this country by giving employment to others.
If the stove is burning in someone’s house because of you, you are giving your valuable contribution in improving the economic condition of the country by giving employment to someone, even though you are giving job to only two people but behind those two people who family is growing up
I hope now you have realized that you have to keep job seeker mentality or want to change this mentality.
Thanks for reading this article.
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