If you make a goal in life and if you are working hard to achieve it, then you will definitely get success.
Often we have to go somewhere else and we reach somewhere else. We should keep clear goals so that there is no confusion later. When there is confusion in the mind, none of your work is right and you keep on cursing yourself.
Don’t be Confused
Before starting any work, you should make your goal clear and start your work only after complete planning, otherwise you may face problems later.

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Here are some tips for it :
1) Know your destination
To become successful in life, we have to decide that we are moving on the right path in the right direction and at the right speed. To fulfill your dreams, set the goal of life and write it everywhere so that the written goal reminds you of the purpose of life again and again.
Without a definite goal, we are like a ship which is moving in the water but does not know the direction of the destination. Many people fail in life not because they lacked the ability, intelligence or courage, but only because they did not channelize their energy to reach their goals.
2) Keep your worth
In a packed auditorium, the speaker took out a two thousand rupee note from his pocket and waving in the air asked the people, ‘Who among you want to get it.’ Everyone in the assembly raised their hands. He began folding the note and folding it until the scope for further folding was exhausted. After this, press the folded note with hands so that there are creases in it.
Now he threw the note on the ground and dusted the floor on it. Now he picked up the dusty note and asked the same question again. This time too all hands were raised. The speaker asked in surprise, ‘This dusty note has got so many wrinkles, it has got dust on it, but still why do you want to get it?’ The speaker had a smile on his face and said :This is us.’ If we keep our value in every situation, then our acceptance never ends.
3) Don’t underestimate yourself
Often people tend to underestimate their worth in the slightest adversity and assume that it is beyond their capacity to handle this situation. The value of a person can be reduced only when he starts considering himself less. After going through a hard struggle, like that note, we can also get wrinkled or sometimes when we fall down, the blessings received from the world can discolor us like dust.
But it is important that we do not compromise on our values nor underestimate ourselves. Like that note, when we get a chance to rise even once, the hands of the whole world will rise up to receive us. So understand your own value and try to work accordingly.
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