Steve Jobs once said,
“Death is the greatest invention of this life, till date no one has survived it. It is death that opens the way to the new by changing the old and at this time we are all new but in a few days we all too will get old and get out of the way.”
These things said by him are 100% true, they are not scaring us, but they are making us to face the truth which no one can deny.
Whenever I open a newspaper, I mostly come across some news in which the news of someone’s death is printed. For a few moments, I panic because till now I have not done anything that will strengthen my image. I have not done anything so far that people can remember me when I die. I am always carrying a dream in my mind that something has to be done before I die.
Do before you die
We have got this life with great difficulty to make a separate identity for ourselves, to do something for the world, to live for others and to complete purpose of our life.
We don’t know,
How much is there to do now and when death comes to someone ?
Life gives us time and again opportunities to do something big, it indicates again and again, life keeps pushing us to move forward, but we suppress our inner voice from within. The sound is coming out, we do not even want to hear it, we are strangling our dreams.
Remember, no one in this world knows whether he will be able to see the morning sun even after closing his eyes at night. No one knows when the end of his life will happen, so enjoy every day, live freely, do whatever you want to do, be whoever you want to be. Do not suppress your own thoughts in the noise of others’ thoughts.
Understand the value of time
When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we think is that today will be a better day, we have got a new opportunity and we will use it openly, but as soon as you return to your daily routine, you feel that now you have time. There are so many days left, there is tomorrow for what you want to do.

You forget about making today better. Your everyday is a gift and make this gift more precious by investing your time in it. We do not appreciate the time and think that we have to live in this world for a very long time and time goes by like this and we are crying while lying on the bed of death and then realises that we have achieve nothing in life.
Related | How to do time management?
What will happen after death?
Till date, the veil has not been lifted from the biggest mystery of death, no one knows what happens after death, but everyone knows what happens in the world after someone dies.
All the people who are associated with you, whether they are your family members, friends, relatives, they are all immersed in sorrow, crying, remembering the person who died but you must have heard in many places after someone’s death, the atmosphere of celebration was going on somewhere, people are saying to the person who died, “It is good that he died”.
After someone’s death, the world goes on like this. The world never stops but people remember you with what you have left for this world, always feel your lack.
- Have you done something better for your family till now?
- Have you done something for the society?
- Have you done anything so far that people can remember you for your work after death?
Spend time with your family, share happiness, do something that people will never forget you, expand your circle, think big, do something that you have never done before because no one knows about death when it comes to you. Knock on the door, so do something before you die.
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