Every person faces problems at some point in his life. But we always feel that we are the only one in this world who are facing a problem right now. But the reality is not like that.
Any problem that comes in your life seems very big to you, it seems challenging and it seems that you will never be able to come out of this problem.
Do you know where is your problem?
The problem is that you keep focusing on the problem in all your life. The only solution to get out of any problem is to focus on the solution rather than problems.
You may probably wonder what it means.
Let’s talk about it a little deeper. Whenever you face any problem, you think only negative things in your mind that why did I fall into this problem. You keep stressing yourself. You give tension to yourself. You get angry at yourself. You get irritable. You keep thinking that all my plans are ruined and now you don’t know what will happen.
When you face a problem, you build a problem in your mind and that problem gets bigger and bigger in your mind.
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What is it result?
You start feeling that you can never solve this problem. You don’t have to drown in the problem, if you want to drown, then immerse yourself in the solution. Get immersed in finding a solution to such an extent that any problem seems too small to you.
It is not necessary that every problem has an instant solution. It may take some time to find the solution. But when you start trying to find a solution by diverting attention from that problem, whether you get the perfect solution or not, you find a way to come out of that problem.

Just don’t ever give up on yourself. When your mind thinks of giving up by focusing on the problem, here you lose before trying.
Whenever you feel yourself in a problem. Just give instructions to your mind that you don’t have an option to give up. You have to find the solution at all costs. You have only one way to get rid of this problem is to find a solution. You don’t have any other option.
All this is a mind game. Whatever instructions you will give to your mind, it will exactly do the same. When your mind realizes that you are in a problem and you also have an alternative to giving up, then it always chooses to give up.
But if you give such instructions to your mind that I have a problem and I have no option to give up. I have only one option and that is to find a solution. At that moment, your mind will make all kinds of positive efforts to find solutions. Now, it’s up to you that what kind of instructions you want to give to your mind.
When you spend all your energy on finding the solution rather than crying about the problem. Then instead of getting stuck in one place,
- You choose to move forward in your life.
- You choose to exploit the opportunities in your life.
- You choose to face new challenges in your life.
All these things bring you closer to your dream. Every problem has a solution. But Yes! sometimes the solution is not that easy but also not that difficult. Sometimes the solution is not instant and we have to wait a bit for that solution.
But you just have to keep your eyes open and attract your mind towards the solutions and the solution will automatically attract you.
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