Welcome to the Motivational Essence. Today in this article, let’s talk about your determination for your dream0s. Before starting the article, I will give you some questions which you have to ask yourself. These are :
- What is your dream life?
- What kind of future do you want for yourself ?
At one stage of life, you get answers to these questions. But you keep choosing new goals or dreams in your life because you find it impossible to fulfil your first dream.
Keep Remember that there is no word like ‘impossible’ in this world. You make it possible or impossible. Something can be impossible if it is unreal. But it is your dream. Your dream is realistic, that’s why you have decided to fulfil it. Of course, you would not have seen an unrealistic dream for yourself.
Actually, most of the time, it happens that you make a decision that you want to do something in your life. You begin your work with great enthusiasm and when challenges come your way, your courage starts to diminisph.
You start thinking that you are not capable enough to do that task and you quit. Then you set some other goal and then the same thing repeats.

Actually, when we decide to achieve something, we are sure of getting success in it.
But of course it’s a life…
God always has a plan to test you, to test your determination and to test how determined are you for your dreams.
That’s why challenges came in your path. If you are completely determined about your dreams, your focus will be only on your goal which you have to achieve. With this determination, you will definitely reach it.
What do you think ?
You are alone in the world who dreams big.
More than half of the people in the world dream of becoming a millionaire themselves. Many people dream of becoming famous people but most of them fail.
Do you know what is the reason for this ?
Initially after a little effort, that tasks seems impossible and you give up on it.
Always remember that –
“Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.”
People fail because they are lacking determination.
For a moment, let’s keep this conversation about dreams aside and just talk about determination. Because if you have determination, you will have your dreams.
You often tell yourself :
- I will get up early tomorrow.
- I will start exercise & meditation tomorrow morning.
- I will start preparing for my exam tomorrow.
Now, if you want to check your determination, then look into that little things.
What happened after that ?
Did you do all that you thought?
Even these small things will tell you how much serious and determined you are about your life and goals. The person who does the small things of his life with so much determination, then just think how much he will be determined about his goals.
First of all, understand what this determination is.
Determination is the power of your mind. The power that always teaches you to move forward in life. It prompts you to be persistent whether the situation is in your favour or not. Always remember that the bigger your dreams and goals are, the bigger will be challenges and problems on the way.
Every problem that comes in your life gives you a chance to grow and teach you something. That’s why think twice before starting any goal. After thinking, if you have decided that you want to achieve this. Then get it at any cost. Give it action and don’t stop then.
Be determined about your goals. Make yourself so strong that no obstacles can stop you.
If any wall comes in your way, never give up. Climb the wall and learn to cross it. Learn how to make a way to reach your destination. Just remember your destination and keep moving ahead.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and you must have learn something from it.