First of all, one has to understand that time is not good or bad. Time remains same. There are good and bad situations but it’s your mindset which makes the results good or bad.
Suppose if someone says that exam is very tough and you are going to fail in your exam and you can’t clear your exam in first attempt. Now it depends on only you that what you will do after knowing about complexity of exam.
Now you have two options, either you sit down and believe what people are telling you and give up without doing any hard work or by believing in your worth, keeping faith in yourself and work as hard as you can and keep doing it until you prove to the world that exams are difficult for them, nothing is difficult for you.
In the same way, if we motivate ourselves in advance for adversity, then we will be able to overcome difficult situations with great ease and confidence and then success will have to come to us.

So, here are some lifetime tips for boosting your confidence:
1) You have to be mentally prepare
Your efforts and your belief in yourself is the only way to increase your performance. If the performance is better, then the chances of success increase. That’s what successful people do. They always show courage. Whether the situation is good or bad, they always keep themselves ready for every situation.
These courageous people are a source of inspiration to others. Along with hard work, these people keep themselves mentally ready. They have adopted the habit of hard work in their lives and always stays confident.
2) Make a habit of reading books
Today we have made a lot of progress. Everyone likes to progress. But proper use of technology is essential. Generally today we have given ourselves to laziness. Most of the time, this disease is visible inside us. Technology has made us lazy.
Just as an excessive amount of something is not always beneficial. In the same way, excessive use of TV, mobile phones weaken us in every way. We need to be strong in mind to deal with adversity. Technology can’t help you everywhere.
You have to develop the habit of reading books to progress in your life. It is a wonderful as well as difficult task in itself.
3) Only a healthy person can do better for himself
A healthy person is more confident and full of courage than normal. Therefore, health-related habits can be adopted through continuous practice. If small things and habits determine our future.
You should include these things in your behaviour. We will not only get health benefits from this, but your nature will also start showing glimpses of fundamental qualities. Only a healthy person can do better for himself and society.
We have to make a great change in ourselves. These tasks have to be accounted for daily. With regular accounting, everything can be corrected.
4) Never give up
It is in our power to work in the right direction. To be successful, we have to prepare ourselves completely. Because there will be many obstacles in the way of success, there will be a lot of disappointment. Sometimes our faith will also be shaken. All these things have to be kept in mind beforehand.
Mostly we see only successful moments of successful people. We fail to see the adversities and failures in the lives of those who have reached the summit. We need to be taught to accept defeat and never give up.
If we learn to control the activities happening in our present, then we can give shape to our future as desired. Beautiful thoughts can create a beautiful future.
5) You have to change
The company of successful people helps us to be comfortable and confident. Because our personality and behaviour will be like the company. If we want to be successful and associate with such people who always talk about disappointment, failure and impatience, then our chances of being successful become very less.
Changes have to be made, otherwise, there will be no other option but to repent. We need to completely sacrifice ourselves in the path of bettering ourselves. Remember that there is no shortcut to success. For this, continuous efforts have to be made under the right guidance.