Hello friends, today I am going to talk to you guys on an important topic in this article. As you have come to know from the title that I will keep productivity as the main issue here but along with this there are many other aspects which are never mentioned nor do we take care of them and these aspects have a great contribution towards your productivity.
Today I am going to talk about these aspects and these are :
1) Observe yourself
Well, do you think that you have ever observed yourself? Like your day’s schedule, your work time, students’ study time, when do you work with the most energy? If you have not done this, then try to observe yourself once. The first step is to know yourself.
2) To do list preparation
Now that you have the knowledge of most of your day, take a pen and paper every morning or night and make a to do list. What is to-do list? Well, when you plan your whole day in advance, at what time you have to do and write it in a list on paper in a form, then we call it to do list.

In this list, you can put the most important or difficult tasks of your day in such slots when you always feel most agile or when your time efficiency is highest. And you can put easy or interesting tasks in that slot where efficiency is lowest. In this way, you will be able to do more work with less effort.
3) Implement the work
Now you have made a list of tasks, but the main task is to implement it. Now how to do that? We humans are not a god who can see the future, but yes we can make 85–90% of our future on our own. Just like you wrote in the to do list, try to complete them as much as possible from your side. If some other work comes in the middle, then you can put it in a buffer slot and give priority to the important work.
In the Buffer slot, we usually put such tasks which were either not completed on time or some other work got interrupted.
4) Analyze at the end of the day
It is your responsibility to check whether you have worked according to your list or not. You must check the to-do list paper once every day before sleeping. Tick mark all the work that you have completed and what will be left, first write there why that work could not be done and the next day you have to move forward without repeating your mistake.
This method will double your productivity. There are many more such methods which I will tell in the next post. Stay connected to our website to read such posts and articles.
Send your questions or suggestions on this article by mail me at manishachawla505@gmail.com.