Often the war that goes on is between good and evil, darkness and light, truth and lie. But I am not talking about any such war here.
I am talking about the war that goes on in your mind all the time. The one who holds you back from your dreams, the one who stops you from accomplishing your goal is yourself.
You usually say “I want to do this”, “I want to do that.”
Oh yes! yes! even you do it.
For how much time?
You watch some motivational videos, start aggressively and work for 2-3 weeks or months.
Then what after that?
Problems and challenges came in your life and you gave up. This is where the real game begins but you accept the defeat before it.

Will your dreams come true like this?
You do this every year. You make New Year Resolutions and just after a few days, you forget it due to some obstacles on the way. You dream of losing weight and want to bring your body into shape.
But the question is what do you do about it?
While eating, you forget what was your purpose and you did what you shouldn’t. You forget what was your aim.
Why are you not realizing that you are worth more than this?
You are made to take big actions. Make a promise to yourself from today itself. Tell yourself-
“I have lost a lot but now I don’t want to lose. I am a winner and I will win. I am the hero of my movie.”
- You need to know what your goal is.
- You need to know what is the thing that you have to improve in yourself.
- You need to know what are the flaws which are acting as a hindrance on your way to success.
- You need to know that there are some mistakes that you made in your past and which you will never repeat.
An ample of people say that if I get a particular thing, then I will do this or that.
What does it mean if I got this?
It means that your dreams are puppets of luck. You depend on some external outcomes for achieving your goal but where is your internal motivation.
Is your internal motivation is nothing as compared to external outcomes?
When your spirits are strong, then no power can stop you from achieving your goals. The only problem is your comfort zone. As long as you are in it, you will not even able to take the first step for your dreams.
So never be satisfied with what you have now. The desire to get something better can make you the best in the future.
“I can not, I will not, I am not ready yet, I will do it from tomorrow.”
Just leave all these excuses behind.
To achieve your dreams, your battle is not with anyone else but with yourself. You have to fight with your old version, make improvements in yourself and be the best version of yourself.