It is in our hands to try. We have to keep trying tirelessly without stopping. Only then we will be able to fulfil our ambitions. A person who is trying and trying in his life never accept his defeat. He works till he doesn’t get success.
Let us discuss some important points which will always motivate you to keep trying and will never let you give up till you don’t get success.
1) Those who have the zeal to win are never afraid to lose
Don’t hold back yourself from trying. Because when you try again, you start with your experience and your past mistakes, not from zero. Those who have the zeal to win are not afraid to lose.
Just as new leaves do not come without autumn, in the same way, we also have to face failures to be successful. The more we try to find happiness in others, the more we will invite sorrows and troubles. Because our happiness is not attached to anyone else.
This statement is also correct that happiness is always present inside us, just a small success is waiting for it and it comes out.
‘You won’t have it’.
‘You can’t do it’.
‘You are still a child’.
People who say such things are our true friends. Those people help us to bring out the lazy and negative emotion-filled person sitting inside us. So that we can leave laziness and hopeless thoughts and continuously try in the right direction and develop continuously.
2) Try to improve your abilities further
Motivate yourself, try to bring change in yourself. Ask yourself while sleeping at night, did I do some meaningful work today or try to improve my abilities further.
The biggest mistake we make is that we ask most questions to god that why this is happening to me but we don’t ask questions to ourselves. Keep asking questions to yourself. By doing this one thing regularly, within a few days you will start feeling tremendous changes in yourself.
3) Your next effort can take you to the pinnacle of success
Only our next effort can take us to the pinnacle of success. That’s why we have to keep trying continuously. You just need to understand what you want from your life. Because until we do not know what we want from our life. Till then we will not be able to do anything in our life.

We always need to learn from others with positive thoughts. There is something special in every person. We just need to incorporate those good things into our behaviour.
4) Don’t give up
Whatever happens in life, just don’t give up. This is the only formula, based on which Dashrath Manjhi broke the mountain and made a way, Arunima Sinha showed Everest conquered. We also have that thing inside us by which we can make our mark in the whole world.
5) Circumstances often test us
Whatever be the circumstances, they should not affect our goal because circumstances often test us whether we are capable of what we want or not. In most cases, we make a mistake on this. Being successful and getting fame is easy as well as difficult.
Those who want to achieve their goals, have to make themselves reach the top in every situation. They do not see anything other than their goal. They don’t have any other option. It is very easy for such people to be successful.
We have to be like water that finds its way. Not like stones that create obstacles in the path of others. We need to change our thoughts and feelings. Only by doing this, we will be able to achieve everything which seems like a dream to us today.
Also read | Never give up
6) Learn from the mistakes of others and move on
One of the best ways to move forward is to learn from the mistakes of others. Everyone learns from his own mistakes. But the true owner of success is the one who tries to improve himself by learning from the mistakes made by others.
It would be better to learn something from yourself and learn something from the experience of others. It is human nature to make mistakes. The one who has not made any mistake is either God or the person who has never done any work.
7) Assess yourself regularly
Assess yourself regularly before going to sleep at night. Work constantly towards developing your abilities. First do your all-round development, then work towards making the society better.
Do not worry about others, whatever you do, first people will tell you that you can’t do that. Then they will make fun of you, after a few days when you start doing better, then everyone will be surprised. After that when you become a successful person and become famous, those people start copying you. So just ignore the voices that are against you. Be focused and work hard.
Also read | Your small efforts contribute to your success