Mostly everyone likes to win and this also means that no one likes to lose. The victory that a person dreams of and at the same time, if he sees someone else achieving that victory, he becomes insecure.
But you have to understand that for your development and growth, winning is not the only motive. Many such things also happen where a straight victory is not declared. But when you do anything better in it. You learn a lot and you even become better with time.
You have to focus not only on your victory but also need to pay equal attention to those things as well which are responsible for that victory or defeat.

If you have worked very hard on a particular task but you lose in it. Don’t think that you have lost. However, focus on the things that you have learned. You have gained a lot of experience even after that defeat because you have learned from it.
What did you learn from your defeat ?
Only you have the answer to this. No doubt, winning is the best feeling. But if for some reason, you lose. You just need to ask yourself the question that what was the reason due to which you could not win.
You have to ask yourself the questions that –
- What did I do?
- Was it my 100%?
- Where did I go wrong?
If you do not learn from your defeat, you can never win either today or tomorrow.
That’s what is growing.
When instead of crying over your defeat, you learn something from it and further improve yourself. You grow and that’s what matters.
Winning matters a lot to every human but learning is more important than that. Because this learning teaches you to live life. It explains the true meaning of life and makes you stronger to handle life problems.
Thanks for reading this article.