We always complain that I am missing something or I do not have it. But no person understands that this is the truth of life that no person has ever become perfect, there must be some deficiency in him. No person comes with everything from birth or does not become completely perfect. He tries to make himself complete based on his thinking and ability. Before going deep into this, I want to share a story with you guys –
There used to be a bird on a tree in a forest. She was the most beautiful in the forest. All the animals and birds considered her the best. Whenever someone praised her beauty, she would be happy.
It was the month of spring, one day a bird name cuckoo was pleasing everyone’s ears with its sweet voice. When that bird heard her voice, all her happiness vanished and she realized that of course, her wings are beautiful, she is beautiful but her voice is not that good. She cannot sing like a cuckoo. In this sorrow, she was sitting sadly when her friend monkey came there.
The bird narrated all his troubles to the monkey. The monkey started laughing loudly and said how stupid you are. You saw that you do not have a voice like a cuckoo, but did you try to see that the cuckoo does not have the same beauty as you.
The monkey said that God has created everyone for different work and purposes and has given different types of talents to everyone, that’s why you should refine your talent and be proud of your talent.
Friends, from this short story, we get to understand that God did not give everyone the same form, colour, quality, or talent, but all are deceiving ourself that others have more ability than us and others are better than us and so on. Like we always underestimate ourselves.
Life is not easy, it has to be made easy
You have to understand about these things in your life :
1) Find yourself missing
Friends, most people keep finding faults in others, due to which they can never make themselves perfect. If you want to be successful then first you have to make yourself perfect, you have to find flaws in yourself. You have to accept your own mistakes. Only then you will be able to stand yourself on the path to success.
2) Make your weaknesses your strength
Friends, every person has some weakness due to which they find themselves behind in the race of life, but should it really be so? No! Many such souls have been born in this world. They knew about their weakness but despite such weaknesses, they never give up in their life. They proved themselves and became successful in life.
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I am going to tell you the names of such people –
1) Sudha chandran
You all must have known a promising dancer like Sudha Chandran. She was a good dancer since childhood but when she was 16 years old she broke her leg in a bus accident and prosthetic legs were installed. Despite this, she continued her dance and never gave up. She kept on fighting. She faced the difficulties firmly and did not let the disability become a weakness.
He achieved success on the strength of his strong will. Today she is not only a good dancer but also a good actress. He has worked in many films and TV serials. A film was also made on his biography which was also honoured. Today if Sudha Chandran had sat down with her weakness, she would never have reached this point.
2) Walt disney
When it comes to the cartoon world, Walt Disney’s name comes up at the top. They had a learning disability. Their journey to success was not easy. They used to think of doing anything in their life and fail. But Walt did not give up on his failure. He also started his business many times but failed miserably.
He wanted great success, so he made his disability his strength and did not stop using his creative ideas. The story of his failure is very frightening. It is believed that he failed about 300 or more times but he did not give up and created a different history. The turnover of his Walt Disney Company is $ 35 billion. Walt Disney used to say – “If you can dream it, you can do it”.
3) Stephen Hawking
Famous scientists like Stephen Hawking have made important contributions in the field of science. His life has been very difficult from the beginning. He had a disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in which parts of the body gradually stop working, but he never let this weakness come in the way of his dreams and continued his studies. That is why he was able to show his talent and made so many inventions which we had never imagined. He has said that –
“If you are always angry and keep on cursing yourself then no one will have time for you. ,
4) Arunima Sinha
Arunima is a sure example of making her biggest weakness her biggest strength. After the incident with Arunima, hardly anyone dares to dream of doing something big in their life. An attempt was made to rob her from the moving train in the middle of the night and when the robbers could not get success in it, they had thrown her from the moving train.
Not only this, she lost her legs in that incident. After such an incident, it cannot be imagined to be able to stand again in our life, but when the spirits are high, even the biggest mountain cannot take away our dreams and Arunima made it come true by hoisting the flag of her success on Everest.
It has also been said that the destination is attained by those who have life in their dreams.
These were some such examples who, despite having so many weaknesses, fought the battle of life happily and achieved success.
Whatever be the weakness, but if you have the zeal to do something big then you will definitely be successful. If you also make your weaknesses as your strength and try to overcome them instead of cursing them, then no one can stop you from being successful.
In the end I would like to say that life is not easy, it has to be made easy.
Thanks for reading this article.
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