Friends, we know that all of you must have set some big goal in your life, you must be thinking big and dreaming big. Many times you see a dream, you put your life into fulfilling it, try your best to convert that dream into reality but you become alone. No one in the world would stand by you.
When we go out to do something, to achieve our destinations and there is no one with us. So, generally you or we get nervous in such a condition, but we should not be afraid of such a condition because every time the circumstances will not be favorable to us and we should be able to face it alone no matter what the situation is.
You can never deny the fact that every great work that you want to do or the dream that you are seeing with open eyes have to be achieved by you only and this is the truth.
A question keeps popping up in the mind of many people again and again that
- “Can I stand alone?” and
- “Can I face the taunts of the people of the world?”
Mr. John Gardner said a very good thing :
“The cynic says, ‘One man can’t do anything.’ I say, ‘Only one man can do anything.’.”
If you have the ability to do something, then you do not need to worry about the criticism of others.
Often people say that he will not be able to do anything because there is no one with him. People say such things mostly by underestimating the person in front, but this is not true.
- Do you consider yourself inferior to others ?
- Do you not believe in yourself ?
When you can dream alone, you can believe in yourself, then why do you suppress your inner thoughts in the thoughts of others.
You can never give your thoughts, your dreams and your beliefs to the other person.
You have to keep your dreams to yourself and you have to prove to the world that you can conquer the world on your own.
If you become successful on your own, then the world also has to listen, understand and adopt your words. As soon as you are successful, the mouths of the critics who do evil are completely closed.
If you keep sleeping with the door closed at your home, then it is obvious that no one will come to paint you on Holi festival. In the same, if you want your dreams to fulfil, you have to get out, you have to open the doors of your dreams, you have to wake up, you have to stand out from the crowd, you have to face the trouble by yourself.
In the pursuit of following others, you can forget your true purpose and your path.

To believe in your dreams, you should realise that
- What is your real strength ?
- What is your real purpose ?
- What do you want to achieve in your life ?
- How can you achieve it ?
You can get the answers to these questions from within yourself. To get answers, you have to take time for yourself and listen to your mind.
Because of living in the hustle and bustle of so many crowds, we have forgotten to listen to the voice of our mind. You or we often come in the words of people because of this and forget our goal. But now you don’t have to do that. You have to choose your own path, leave the made path and make your own path.
Most important thing is that we are all together but we all move forward on our own. That is why it is very important that instead of living on the strength or help of others, develop your own strength.
Friends, if you are given one lakh rupees every day and you are told that you have to finish it today because next day you will get one lakh rupees again.
So you would like to take advantage of those money as much as possible throughout the day because whether you spend one rupee that day or one lakh, you will get that same amount again the next day and this process will continue till you win, how pleasant it will be.
Similarly, God has fixed the time of 24 hours in our life and God has told us that even if we take advantage of 24 hours today or not, tomorrow we will have the same amount of time.
- You are your own strength
- You are your own support
- You are the master of your own thoughts.
- You are the creator of your own destiny and
- You are the basis of your own life.
That’s why friends, don’t waste your precious time in vain thinking. Know yourself. Don’t let the voice of the mind suppress you, always try to listen to what your mind wants and the day you go ahead by listening to the voice of your mind alone, then for a while you will definitely get success.