Have you ever thought about the things we learn from childhood to adulthood and how when we experience them in real life, we realize that what we were taught doesn’t apply to everything in the world or in life as a whole?
Just like the way we hear stories of prince and princesses in our childhood, we tend to assume that love in real life will be just like that, but every relationship has its ups and downs. A perfect relationship doesn’t exist, and not every relationship is as smooth as the stories we heard.
The same goes for our lifestyle; we’re never satisfied with what we have, always wanting more. There’s nothing wrong with desiring more, but not everything comes instantly. Life doesn’t work in a way where you think, wish, put in minimal effort and it magically happens.
To live our life well, we first need to understand our life. We have to accept that what we see and what life actually is can be different. And this acceptance doesn’t happen just by saying it.
Just like a child trying to walk. He don’t succeed on their first attempt. He stand, take a few steps, fall, get up again. He slowly learn to walk by repeating this process.
That’s what life is.

You’ll fail, learn, move forward, fail again, and learn from your past mistakes. In the process, you’ll experience fear and doubt, but you must have confidence in yourself.
It’s alright if what you desire isn’t happening right now. Trust yourself and trust the process.
You’re in your learning phase, understanding how the universe works. You’re growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
So, give things time, learn, adapt, and keep moving forward.
That’s the right way to live life.
Read more | What is Self-Love?