Every human being is fully capable of developing himself. Often we expect someone to come and help us in every way possible. Though social support is necessary but mental support is more important than anything else.
If you always be in search of social support, you will never be able to make your life happy and luxurious. Because, when you get the opportunity in the right direction, it’s you who have to get it by full dedication. Whether the work is small or big, you will get its benefits only by doing it with your consciousness.
Every person is living his life, he is not responsible for your life or opportunities. It is not advisable under any circumstances to wait for the right opportunity. As a result, relying on your will and ability is the only way to overcome your fear.
How to be self-sufficient?
The important points that play a great role in your life to become self-sufficient are :

1) Competing yourself would be a tremendous initiative
Every person in the world has to work. Because without work, life and livelihood are not possible.
Now the question is,
How much work should be done, in which direction and in what way?
We have to make this decision ourselves so that later we can not blame anyone. We are full of amazing abilities. Don’t know why we always underestimate ourselves. Often we are told and taught to compete with others whereas competing with ourselves would be a tremendous initiative. Whenever anyone has competed with himself, he created history. We should have courage because there is no other option but to develop ourselves to the fullest.
2) Ambition drives a person to work in every situation
Always try to stay away from things that frustrate you. Ambition motivates a person to work in any situation. Generally, we assume that our circumstances and our fate are not in our hands. But there is no doubt that man can create his destiny. For this, along with tremendous struggle, we have to continuously apply our thinking power in the right direction.
We have to constantly strive to improve our capabilities to the best of our ability. Because efficiency not only makes us successful but also makes us strong.
3) Bad thoughts will catch us immediately.
Just as hard work has to be done to grow grain in the fields, you have to make efforts to inculcate good habits. Weeds grow on their own. Negative thoughts like weeds have to be removed from your behaviour.
This is the fact that negativity is spread all around the world. In such an environment, it is quite difficult to adopt good thoughts and feelings even if you want to. But that doesn’t mean that you stop trying. You have to try. If you do not adopt good thoughts, then bad thoughts will catch you immediately. As a result, you will just become a puppet of your negative thoughts.
4) Move forward without harming anyone and inspire others to be better
Connecting with nature is always pleasant and beneficial. Nature is precious, so everything and the person associated with it also becomes valuable. In due course of time, you have to connect yourself with nature.
The effort should be to become better yourself and inspire others to become better too. There is a need to develop the habit of always respecting the free things like air, water, oxygen, mountains, trees and plants. We have to express our gratitude towards them because all these things give us life. Without these, even our existence is not possible.
5) Mistakes are made by those who work
To observe successful people and trying to learn from them will prove to be a great move. Often you make a mistake on this. You think that such a person has achieved success in the wrong ways. You think so because you are unaware of all these things that the person has struggled with and motivated himself after falling.
Mistakes are made by those who work. Every person do mistake. There is not even a single person on this earth who have never did a mistake. Mistakes are signs that you are trying.
6) You have to keep striving for progress every day
You have to keep trying every day to move forward. Since it would be a mistake to understand that your efforts were in vain. Efforts made in the right direction never go in vain. Just as the river is always flowing, the sun always gives light, trees and plants stand firm in every situation. In the same way, you also have to keep motivating yourself.
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