One thing often happens to all of us. Most of the time, we think that we are too young or too old to start something new. Don’t you think that with such a mindset, you are putting yourself to the limits.
This is a sign of a negative mindset. Due to this, you are increasing your chances of failure. You can’t achieve anything with such a mindset because you have already set limits for yourself which are holding you from moving forward.
It is not your age which is stopping you.
Understand that it is not your age which is stopping you, it is your mind that is stopping you from growing in life. It is your mindset that is the biggest obstacle in the way of your success and is stopping you from taking the first step.
When you start thinking that you are not capable of doing anything. Since then, your mind starts giving you all negative signals and brings every reason in front of you that forces you to quit. At that time, every challenge starts creating doubt in your mind that you are on the wrong path.
However, in every journey, there are obstacles on the way. Suppose you have to go to the office urgently and you have an important presentation. You are already very late. But when you were going, your 5 minutes were wasted in the traffic lights, then after going ahead you saw that a road is in poor condition and you had to go from some other way.
At that moment, you made every possible effort and used your consciousness. You found the way and reached it on time. You did it because, at that time, there was only one thing in your mind you have to reach the office. Often this thing happens to many people in normal life.
My only purpose for saying all this is why you don’t implement this thing in your dreams. It is normal to have obstacles in the middle of any journey, but instead of wasting time crying, it is more important to spend time finding new ways, so that you can get to your destination as soon as possible.
This is the power of your mind.
Whatever signs you will give to your mind, it will do the same. Now, You have to decide, whether you want to give a positive sign or a negative.

If you have a great idea in your mind that you want to execute. You may feel that you are too young to implement this idea or it seems that you have been too late. In this case, your age is not stopping you, your mind is stopping you from moving forward.
Why you don’t think that if this idea is implemented then it can change your life and life of many other people. But often you get buried under the boundary and never take action.
Focus on what you can do. Don’t set boundaries for yourself before trying something special. Other problems are too small that are coming on your way, the biggest obstacle is your mindset.
Focus on positive things, your capabilities, your efforts and your willpower. When you will start doing this, you will start treating obstacles as challenges. You will start seeing them as opportunities which will help you to become better.
Really, if you want to do something, then just go ahead with a big idea, step forward and try. Forget about age. It is not as big factor as we think.
So what, if the work that other people did the same thing at the age of 25 and you did at 35. There is no age to do anything big. You are doing it, you dare to do it, that matters.
The whole life is yours. You can change the path whenever you want. The other people have their own lives. Don’t stop your steps because of other people’s low mentality. For you, you are doing right and that matters. Learn to live your life your way and enjoy it. Life is not for just thinking and crying, life is for actions, dreams and enjoyment. So, do that.