Many times such things happen in our past that never let us move forward and it doesn’t let us live in our present and enjoy it.
First of all, you have to understand that you are not alone in this world who are facing any such situation. Yes, the circumstances may be different but everyone is struggling with some particular situation in their life and that situation may be harder than yours.
Many things happen to us that we never expect from our life but it is in destiny, so it occurs. But don’t make yourself a victim of your past. Whatever happened in your past, if you have never learned anything from it, you will never be able to move forward in life and will just keep crying over your past.
How to move on in life?
It can be a situation of embarrassment, disappointment or failure. Some people learn something from whatever has happened in their past and dare to move forward in life. They move on.
But some just remain lost in their past.
Which of these are you?
There is a very popular quote,
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”
The whole game is of your unconscious mind. It is your unconscious mind, due to which you are as happy as you can be in a single moment. On the other hand, a memory of the past comes into your mind and you suddenly become sad.
The thing that actually happens is that your unconscious mind prevents you from being healed and also affects your present.
Here, there is a need to reprogram your mind. For this, you have to move forward considering the old memories obsolete.
For instance,
If your any old cloth gets torn or gets damaged. Would you wear that dirty damaged cloth inside or outside the house?
Of course not.
Because you know that if you will walk outside your house by putting on this cloth, then people can insult you or may criticise you for what you are wearing. All these things will come to your mind. At that moment, you have an instant realisation that it is not good for you to wear such clothes because it can spoil your image in front of others.
Why don’t you do the same thing with your past?
You know that your memories are breaking you from inside. They are spoiling your present but you are still giving place to such memories in your mind and ruining your present.
Whose fault is this?
Even you know that it is of no use further and if it stays with you then it would completely ruin your life.

Why don’t you strike these memories out of your life like an old cloth.
Let me tell you how you will do it:
1) Know the trigger
First of all, just sit. With a cool mind, think about the situation which makes you feel bad whenever you remember about it.
After remembering the situation, you just have to ask yourself what this whole incident has taught me. Someone may have done bad things to you or even worse.
Whatever happened, forgive the other person and move on in life. Until you forgive that person, you will keep their mistakes in mind and keep blaming yourself for believing in them.
So, first, learn to forgive. The day you would forgive that person, the burden which is standing in your mind will end completely and you will be able to move on. Your forgiveness may not make a difference to that person but if you forgive that person, it will definitely make a difference in your life. To move on, you have to forgive that person.
2) Accept the change
Change is the law of nature. The world will go on. The world will keep changing. So you also learn to change. For how long will you keep yourself attached to those past incidents. Things may not go the way you want them to. Maybe God has planned something better for you than that.
Suppose you were in love with someone but that person did not appreciate your love. It is also wrong to give such a person a place in your heart and mind. Why you have to remember such person who didn’t even care about your true love.
Try to forget him and move on. Maybe the true love of your life is waiting for you who will appreciate you and your love. For this, you need to forget your past and move ahead in life.
3) You can’t always control everything
This is true that you cannot control the things that happen in your life. But there is also the truth that you can change your attitude towards that incidents.
Stop punishing yourself for those things over which you have no control. You are a human being and you can’t control everything. There will always be some happenings in your life that will not go according to your plans and your expectations. Their occurrence may be out of your control too.
Your past is not under your control. The only thing that is under your control is your today. You have to make it best. So that, you can have a better tomorrow.