We have numerous desires in our life. Desire to achieve success or desire to accomplish something. Our willingness to do something big makes our life meaningful. But most people go to the grave with some desires in mind.
Purpose of life
- Do you really have a purpose?
- Are you taking the car of life forward without a purpose?
If you do not have any purpose in life, then your life is like dying while living.
Remember, your purpose is what creates a passion in you. You have to set a goal and work hard to achieve it with full dedication.

Do you ask these questions from yourself?
- Do you have a purpose in life and if so, are you getting closer to your purpose in life?
- Are you selfish and thinking only about yourself or do you have to do something for others as well?
- Whether there is a clear goal to achieve your objective or not, if yes, are you working hard for it or just waiting for it to be completed by luck?
If you are answering these questions with the word ‘no’ then your life needs a lot of change and you are wasting your time every day.
Always remember one thing, life gives us everything according to the efforts we have invested in it. If we plant a cactus tree, then where will we get mango? There are no mangoes in the cactus tree. This is the principle of life.
What are we doing ?
We give something different to our life and want something different from it. We have to find the purpose of our life. We should know what we want to do. The sooner we find our purpose, the better it will be for us.
Finding the purpose of your life is not that easy, it is no less than a big challenge. When our purpose is clear, then our life completely balances itself. We become aware in a way and we know where we have to go.
What do you mean by living with a purpose ?
The truth is that we have been sent into this world with a specific purpose and we all have to move forward with our purpose. Only then we will be able to go far.
Most of the people in this world just live and instead of making their time meaningful, they just keep on spending time and keep counting the days when will the good day come. But if we have a clear goal or objective then everything is in our hands. You can bring good days with your hard work.
If in your life you will get everything already made. Then,with
- What will you do in life?
- What is the purpose of your life?
- Why are you in this world ?
Once Woodrow Wilson said that,
“I would rather fail in the work that will succeed in the end than succeed in that which will fail in the end.”
There is no such person in this world who does not love his life. For all of us, life is very precious and we are special because we can achieve everything in the world with our hard work. You can do it only when you get the purpose of life.
If you want to do something big in your life or you have some big dreams then make a clear objective. Take responsibility for it and keep working hard. Dreams will come true one day.
Thanks for reading this article.
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